
I do not hold any copyright to images, poetry and music used in this website. They belong to their respective artists, recording labels, writers and owners. I can only take credit for the arrangement and editing, which is made for healing purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended. However, poems that I have written, although holding deep meaning for me, I give freely if in some small way it re-sounds in you. Namaste ♥☼

Thursday, 2 December 2010


THE RIVER calmly flows,
Through shining banks, through lonely glen,
Where the owl shrieks, though ne'er the cheer of men
Has stirred its mute repose,
Still if you should walk there,
you would go there again.
The stream is well alive;
Another passive world you see,
Where downward grows the form of every tree;
Like soft light clouds they thrive:
Like them let us in our pure loves reflected be.
A yellow gleam is thrown
Into the secrets of that maze
Of tangled trees, which late shut out our gaze,
Refusing to be known;
It must its privacy unclose,its glories blaze.
Sweet falls the summer air
Over her frame who sails with me:
Her way like that is beautifully free,
Her nature far more rare,
And is her constant heart of virgin purity.
A quivering star is seen
Keeping his watch above the hill,
Though from the sun's retreat small light is still
Poured on earth's saddening mien:
We all are tranquilly obeying Evening's will.
Thus ever love the Power;
To simplest thoughts dispose the mind;
In each obscure event a worship find
Like that of this dim hour,
In lights, and airs, and trees, and in all human kind.
We smoothly glide below
The faintly glimmering worlds of light:
Day has a charm, and this deceptive night
Brings a mysterious show;
He shadows our dear earth, but his cool stars are white.
Ralf Waldo Emmerson
New Poetry
from Uncollected Prose, Dial Essays 1840

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The Power Of One

          One song can spark a moment,
         One flower can wake the dream.
        One tree can start a forest,
       One bird can herald spring.
     One smile begins a friendship,
    One handclasp lifts a soul.
    One star can guide a ship at sea,
    One word can frame the goal.
    One vote can change a nation,
    One sunbeam lights a room.

     One candle wipes out darkness,
      One laugh will conquer gloom.
        One step must start each journey,
           One word must start each prayer.
               One hope will raise our spirits,
                  One touch can show you care.
                         One voice can speak with wisdom,
                             One heart can know what's true.
                                One life can make the difference,
                                   You see, IT'S UP TO YOU!

                                  ~ Author Unknown~

Einsteins famous equation:
E=mc squared
the value if c
the speed of light
is a very large number
so when squared and multiplied by the mass of even
an unimaginably small particle like an electron
you get pretty energetic radiation.

A Book of poetry underneath the branch, A picture 
of wine, a crust of bread a layer of cheese
Hear me singing in the veld
how Wild is Heaven now!
 Daisy chains and daffodils, forest pines all so fine
with clouds aloft sailing by like ships at sea

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