Just had to get away todaytook a drive felt the air blowin throughmy hairthe barenessand scorched earthan empty reminderof Winters underwear
The Camel
I stood good whilewatched the bubbling brookflowing so fast as if no tomorrow would lastany length of time
It was not coldalthough I had not come out of a freezing pond!!
~Roosters and Guinea Fowl ~ #Now I have seen it all #
The sky so blue and a willow or two
+ So Graceful +
Pot Belly Pig sampling of the wares.
An old giant stood near A Poplarknotted and knarledblossoms bloominghalf untold
Parrots of all shapes; sizes; colors. One has conquered first; all may conquer afterward.
By completely realizing it first for Myself, and then by pointing out to others this great law of the at-one-ment with the Father who is ALL.
It is the type of preacher whose soul has never as yet even perceived the vital spirit of the teachings of Jesus, and who as a consequence instead of giving this to the people, is giving them old forms and dogmas and speculations getting men ready to die.
We need people who will teach us first how to live. Living quite invariably precedes dying. This also is true, that when we once know how to live, and live in accordance with what we know, then the dying, as we term it, will in a wonderfully beautiful manner take care of itself. It is in fact the only way in which it can be taken care of.
To be permeated, charmed, and taken captive by
a warmer and more potent Breath of God than they ever felt before.
Nothing stirs the central wheel of the soul like the Breath of God. The whole man is quickened, his senses are new senses, his emotions new emotions; his reason, his affections, his imagination, are all new-born. The change is greater than he knows; he marvels at the powers in himself which the Breath is opening and calling forth.
Indeed, your internal experience of life, and illimitable Hope in God will be nearer to you, and more prevailing, than all your external and superficial experience of nature and the world.
"O God! I am one forever
With Thee by the glory of birth;
The celestial powers proclaim it
To the utmost bounds of the earth. "I think of this birthright immortal,
And my being expands like a rose,
As an odorous cloud of incense
Around and above me flows.
"A glorious song of rejoicing
In an innermost spirit I hear,
And it sounds like heavenly voices,
In a chorus divine and clear.
"And I feel a power uprising,
Like the power of an embryo god;
With a glorious wall it surrounds me,
And lifts me up from the sod."
With Thee by the glory of birth;
The celestial powers proclaim it
To the utmost bounds of the earth. "I think of this birthright immortal,
And my being expands like a rose,
As an odorous cloud of incense
Around and above me flows.
"A glorious song of rejoicing
In an innermost spirit I hear,
And it sounds like heavenly voices,
In a chorus divine and clear.
"And I feel a power uprising,
Like the power of an embryo god;
With a glorious wall it surrounds me,
And lifts me up from the sod."
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